





  1. Mark: Thanks Mark! My blog is about blogging ethics and it is definetly unethical to scam for no telling how many links! Someone had to make the call on this site. I really didn’t want to be the one, but I am pretty irritated with the whole situation.Wow, I subscribe to my own comments and I didn’t even notice! Thanks

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  3. admin napsal:Hm, zajímavý postřeh. Probral jsem to dneska s naším stavitelem. Říkal mi, že dřevěné lamely ipe budou na roštu a pod ním bude betonová plocha, která bude vyspádovaná. Voda opravdu prostoupí tím dřevem, dostaneme se na beton a snad steče. Já samozřejmě nevím, jestli a jak to bude fungovat, ale zatím v tom jedeme podle projektu. Uvidíme, jaké budou zkušenosti.

  4. Nej just det, du behöver ingenting. Har du bestämt dig för att någon är rasist har du rätt, oavsett om det är sant eller inte. Anti-intellektualism. Om du inte själv vet varför du gör det kan du lägga av med att försöka. Sen tar man inte ansvar för landet genom att ge fan i saker och ting.

  5. it has a better screen because of the laminated screen, moron. your argument has no facts in it whatsoever. cloud storage sucks because you have to have wifi all the time, and this is supposed to be portable, and physical controls are better because you don’t have to exit your app to change the volume. Fucking moron, you don’t even know anything. You’re just crying because you realized you wasted your money.

  6. Tania,It depends on how you use this recipe but you could get about 6-8 servings as a salad and probably about 10-12 servings as a salsa. If adding to a pasta, I would cook about 1/2 a pound of pasta and mix it in for about 12 servings of pasta salad. These are rough estimates.

  7. Alô AmigosEnquanto a CPI se define PASSARAM O cartão DOTAÇÃO para o salário do Deputados e Senadores.Aquela festa agora vai ser CONSTITUCIONAL E MAIS ESCONDIDINHA..FDP é o que são,só lamento que linfoma não seja disseminado pelo ar.ai minhas cotasabraços

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  9. I definitely agree that finding a primary source has this sort of exciting quality to it. I think it’s because you have found something unique, but also because when you are dealing with a primary source you are, in essence, dealing with the purest form of the source that you can obtain. I think this resonates even more-so when it comes to historical primary sources.
